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sloke,mantra and meaning

1. जन्मलग्न गुरुश्चैव रामचन्द्रो वने गत:|तृतीये बलिः पाताले चतुर्थे हरिचन्द्र:|| ख्स्ठे द्रोपदी हरम च रावन अस्तमे|दशमे दुर्योधनं हन्ति द्वाद्सो पांडु वनागातम || लग्न मे गुरु से राम वनवास गए ,तृतीय से बलि पाताल गए .,चतुर्थ से हरिश्चंद्र के सत्य की परीक्षा हुई छठे से द्रोपदी का हरण हुआ आठवे से रावन का नाश ,दसवे से दुर्योधन ,बारहवे से पंडू की मृत्यु ,द्वितीय से भीष्म को राज्य से वंचित .,पंचम से दसरथ को पुत्र वियोग ,सप्तम से आज को पत्नी वियोग ,नवं से विस्वमित्र अब्छ्य भछन किया लाभ भाव का गुरु नल को राजजी संकट वनवास ,पत्नी वियोग आदि अशुभ फल मिला 2. यः कश्चिदात्मानमद्वितीयं जातिगुणक्रियाहीनं षडूर्मीषडभावेत्यादिसर्वदोषरहितं सत्यज्ञानानन्दानन्तस्वरूपं स्वयं निर्विकल्पमशेषकल्पाधारमशेषभूतान्तर्यामित्वेन वर्तमानमन्तर्बहीश्चाकाशवदनुस्यूतमखंडानन्द स्वभावमप्रमेयमनुभवैकवेद्यमापरोक्षतया भासमानं करतलामलकवत्साक्षादपरोक्षीकृत्यकृतार्थतया कामरागादिदोषरहितः शमदमादिसम्पन्नोभावमात्सर्यतृष्णाशामोहादिरहितोदंभाहंकारादिभिरसंस्पृष्टचेता वर्तत एवमुक्तलक्षणो यःस एव ब्राह्मण इति श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणेतिहासानामभिप्र...

Bhagwan ek Khoj hai

भगवान एक खोज है दुनियां में हर कोई अपने भगवान को किसी न किसी रूप में मानता है । कोई कृष्णा को कोई राम को तो कोई रहीम को । भगवान को मानते तो सभी है पर हमेशा ही अपने भगवान को खोजते रहते है सोचते रहते है की भगवान है की नहीं है अगर भगवान है तो कहा है । इस तरह सोच हमेशा चलती रहती है परन्तु कोई भगवान के मामले में कोई भी पूर्ण नहीं है । इसलिए मैंने इस ब्लॉग की सुरुवात की कि चलो ब्लॉग के जरिये ही भगवान की खोज की जाये । कोई कहता है कि भगवान हर जगह है कण कण में है भगवान तो कोई कहता है की रब हर दिल में बसता है और कोई कहता है की इस पत्थर में भी है भगवान । असल में मुझे तो लगता है हमारी सोच ही है भगवान और भगवान के साथ साथ सैतान का निवास भी सोच में ही रहता है । कोई संत जब उपदेश देता है तो उसकी सोच में भगवान की झलक दिखती है लेकिन अगर दिल्ली जैसे बड़े सहर में कोई ५ साल की बच्ची के साथ बलात्कार करता है तो वो सैतान की सोच है । हर कोई दुसरे के सैतान से नफरत करता करता है और उसे नस्ट कर देने में ही लोगों की भलाई होती है । यदि सब लोग अपने अंदर के सैतान पर काबू पा ले तो हर जगह भगवान का ही निवास रहेगा । शराब स...

Starling and crows

When winter came the day and evening. The sky was overcast with clouds. The crow was sitting on a neem tree. They repeatedly caw were and were quarreling with each other. At the same time put a starling came and sat on the same tree. Given the many crows nesting down on him. Poor Maina said - this dark cloud has grown so much. I have forgotten my nest so tonight let me sit here. Crows That said - it is our tree you go away from here. Maina said - tree so all God has created. Should the rain and hail fell in the winter only God can save us. I am too young to have your sister, you have mercy on me and let me sit here. Crows said we do not like you, sister. If you take the name of the LORD is a God of the trust does not go away from here. If you will not kill you all. When the cockerel crows, they sit on in the evening when the trees begin to fight among themselves so they are not but they are fighting each other to kill and kaw kav. What branch crow who sit at night. This is not a...

One more story of Crow

One day the crow lying in the desert Puncen saw lots of peacocks. He is very pleased and said: - Good God! You have a good turn, heard my cry. I have become more substantial of these tails. The crow was put around his tail Puncen of the peacocks. Then he asked to see the new look - now I have become even more beautiful with peacocks. I am going to celebrate with them, enjoy them now. He jumped in front of peacocks proudly. Peacocks saw him put the sides. A peacock said - just look at the evil crows. It has to be a peacock by our Puncen discarded. Find crooks Chonchon and toes tightly - tightly dusting. Heard it all down on and kill more crows - have beat him dead. Crow ran - ran out to other crows peacocks began to complain of an old crow said - listen to this vile things! It ridicules our lives and more to become demented. No knowledge that such a creature is not satisfied with his race, he finds everywhere insult. After being punished by the peacocks came to visit us today. Find tig...


Jalandhar Datyraj legendary predictably once had to battle with Lord Vishnu. Of God all the day long struggle despite efforts did not defeat Jalandhar. But this failure was considered by Sri Hari is not the monster finally killed. Then the attractive wife Vrinda's tenacity Datyraj to know the force of his death remains restrictive. Until then, it will not corrode tenacity force can not be defeated by the monster. This is the form of God Jalandhar and nun with the austerity of Vrinda also broke her chastity. In this task the Lord deception and duplicity used. Later in the war, he won the war Jalandhar slaughter. Brinda trick on his tenacity and faithfulness of God revealed to finish and then she was furious, cursed shrihari that you get the stone. The curse of the Lord accepted the same passion in his mind Rai was generated. God told her that Vrinda you become trees to provide shade. Vrinda Tulsi same as occurred on earth and God made Salagrama. Kartik Shukla Ekadashi Thus th...


There Was a king. One day he noticed that many requests are subject to further his palace. Surprised to see the king, moved that the faces of those who had languished, and crooked legs - Rams were null. The king immediately summoned his secretary-general, said, Mntrivr, I'm so sorry to see his condition. Treasury management immediately so as nutritious food and medicines to be muscular legs, and face-ripping. To minister to the king's ear, whispered, thanks to the chef, you have muscular legs, and body to be healthy, so it will not bow to us so lean. Between the king heard this, his Paneri mustache smiled, and present subjects free given crutches. King of cheer from the castle walls were shaken.

Feeling of God

Saint Namdev as usual with his pupils were engrossed in discussing religion. Then a curious question him sat - Master, it is said that God is present everywhere, experience how it can be done? Can you suggest a way of its realization? Namdeo smiled to hear it. Then he told me to get him a jar and a little salt. Attendance of pupils has increased curiosity. He thought, I do not want to use them, which Gurudeva. The salt and water to salt water, the saint asked to leave. When salt dissolves in water, so the saint asked - Tell me, do you see the salt? Curious said - not the Master, then the salt dissolves completely - got. The saint told him tasting water. He said to taste - Yes, the salt is present but not visible. Now the saint told him to boil water. Water vapor became complete when the saint asked - what it does it? Lotte had looked keenly curious and said - yes, now it is showing salt. The saint explained - not visible in the middle of the salt water, the same way that God can b...