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The God is one definitions are many.

The God is one definitions are many. Its true that if you will discuss about God then you will get more confuse. I would like to summarize different discussions about God here. Some people says that kan kan me hai Bhagwan but my observation is God is not in kan kan but our believe did it. God  is depend upon our feeling if you feel that God is in stone then God is there but if you not believe that God is in stone then God is not in stone for you. Some people says God is one my observation is if God is one then how  its in every things if in everything God exist then God is at multiple places and its many but our thinking can made a single God we can same that same God is in everything so God is one. Some people says that God is in our heart my observation is if God is in our heart then why crime happens in the world because God can not do crime but it can be possible that God is in heart but God does not control our karm. God is in Gurudwara,God is in Temple, God is...

Jyotish Palmistry Images reading

I want to show some good images of Jyotish palmistry where you could know more about you. Main line of Palm are life,heart and mastisk line. After that you could hear about Surya Rekha,Swasthya Rekha,Yatra Rekha,Marriage line,Kardhani Rekha,etc. In you Palm there is all your present ,past and future records are registered so God is great and smart they do not need to maintain file for you God can view all about you on looking on your Palm so Your palm is file of your life so I think you do not need to take it easy. I am sharing here some images where you can check with your hand.

Faladesh ke Niyam

Some more views on Hastrekha

क्या कहता है ? केतू पर्वत :- १२. केतू :-इस पर्वत का प्रभाव जातक पर जीवन के ५ वे साल से २५ वे साल तक की उम्र तक विशेष प्रभाव होता है। यह चन्द्र तथा शुक्र पर्वत को विभाजित करता है। यह भाग्य रेखा के प्रारम्भिक स्थान के पास होता है। इस का फल राहू पर्वत के सामान ही होता है। यदि पर्वत विकसित हो साथ ही भाग्य रेखा भी सशक्त और स्पष्ट होतो,वह जातक भाग्यशाली होकर जीवन के सभी सुखों को भोगता है। ऐसा जातक गरीब के घर जन्म लेकर भी अमीर बनने की योग्यता रखता है। यदि यह पर्वत अस्वाभाविक रूप से विकसित हो , और भाग्य रेखा टूटी-फूटी होतो, उस जातक को बचपन में बहुत बुरे दिन देखना पड़ते है। यह जातक बचपन में रोगी भी रहता है। यदि यह पर्वत अविकसित हो और भाग्य रेखा प्रबल होतो, भी उस जातक के जीवन से गरीबी नहीं मिटती है। अतः जातक के हाथ में केतू पर्वत विकसित हो तो , उस जातक को जीवन सभी सुख प्राप्त हो जाते है। इस प्रकार हम यह कह सकते है की किसी भी जातक की हथेली में पर्वतों के विकसित होने का बहुत प्रभाव पड़ता है। क्या कहता है ? राहू पर्वत :- ११. यह पर्वत जातक के बारे में यह निर्धारित करता है कि जातक का...

Quotes on Viswas,poison,snake,heart

How to think positive on negative situations?

How to think positive? There are many times when we not able to think positive for all situation but if you think positive for all situation then you will never face any problem in your life. One day my friend came to me and discussed something then I told him whatever happen in the world there is some good things in other word whatever happen always its good. Then second day bomb explosive done in the city then my friend came to me told that this is not good and you told yesterday that whatever happen always its good so you are wrong then I told him for one point its good some people died then some population reduced you know whatever population of our country then he disappointed again. Same way we face lot of bad situation but need to think positive to convert it in good condition so things happen never bad but our thinking make it good or bad. I want to set one another example to convert thing positive for you ,one of my friend working on good IT company but he become an...

Chhipkali,Krkach,Yamghant Yog